Investing Archives - Page 6 of 19 - Dylan Jovine

Writing About the Stock Market & Life Since 2003


The Toughest Decision of My Life

Apr 19, 2017


From an early age we’re told that work is work. Save the passion for your hobbies.

I remember the first time I heard Warren Buffett say that he loved what he did so much that he “tap-danced to work” every morning.

I was amazed.

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The Unbearable Thought of Getting a Job

Mar 11, 2017

Unbearable. That’s how I felt every time a teacher said to me I had to get good grades to get a good job.

A good job? For me the thought of working a 9 – 5 job for someone else was akin to going to prison. Or worse – living a life without meaning.

Maybe it was the way I was programmed, raised or both, but I knew I deep down at a young age that a life like that would kill my spirit.

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My trip down the "Going Broke Expressway"

Jan 31, 2017

I last drove that road in 2003 and I’ll never forget it. Each and every single stop along the way was worse then the stop before. And the worst part about it was that I didn’t really know I was on the road until I came upon the one exit that everyone whose ever travelled down this road knows all to well…

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What Business Gods do You Worship?

Jan 31, 2017

Business doesn’t suffer fools gladly. One thing it wont tolerate for long is someone who doesn’t understand that the main objective of any business is to earn the highest return-on-invested capital (ROIC) for the longest period of time.

That’s why I believe the “ZEUS” of the BUSINESS GODS is – and always will be…


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What Higher Rates Can Mean For You

Sep 14, 2016

When the price of money increases how does it affect you?

Do your credit card bills move a bit higher?

Does the interest on your adjustable rate mortgage increase your home payments?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions than you’re like 80% of all Americans who have borrowed money to finance their lifestyle.

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The 1st Question to Ask Before Hiring A Marketing Director

Mar 20, 2015

The marketing director. Perhaps the single most important hiring decision you’ll make as CEO of your start-up. Hire the right marketing director and you’ll look like a genius. Hire the wrong one and you won’t even know what hit you.

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6 Rules for Buying Your First Classic Car

Mar 04, 2015

There is no experience quite like driving a classic American car. The roar of its primitive engine. The relentless whistling of air that always finds a way inside closed windows. The powerful lift the car feels whenever you hit the gas.

But what made the experience so unique for me had nothing to do with the feel of the car itself. It was all in their faces. The expressions of all the people who look at you when you drive by or stand next to the car when its parked.

And thats when it hits. You’re not just driving a classic car. You’re driving a piece of American history. A piece of American history etched on the face of everyone who stares at you. And that history has a story to tell.

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Why We Love Steve Jobs – Even Though He Cost Me a Fortune!

Aug 26, 2011

Steve Jobs is the personification of the American Dream.

The dreamer. The fighter. The perfectionist. The success. The failure. The will to fight to comeback against all odds…

We all know the story by now: Young businessman partners with technology genius to start company in garage.

Right people, right place, right time.

And they don’t just succeed – they quite literally transform the world.

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An Open Letter to the President of the United States

Aug 11, 2011

Dear Mr. President,

It may be said objectively that the events of the past week have humiliated our great nation.

I can’t think of anything that could wound the pride or degrade the character of the most powerful nation on earth more than having our debt downgraded.

Hardly a day has gone by when we haven’t read or heard a report of some third rate country lecturing us on how to manage our finances. Every time it happens, our respect around the world is diminished.

I can’t imagine how bitter of a pill it is to swallow to have our nations debt downgraded during your watch. It is a scarlet letter you will have to wear for the rest of your life.

But there is nothing you can do about that now. The past is the past. What this country needs is for you to focus on the future.

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URGENT: We Need YOUR Vote On the Debt Limit Today

Jul 29, 2011

(Today I was going to update you on the progress we’ve made this week on the creation of your retirement product. But given the shenanigans on Capitol Hill I woke up this morning and wrote this letter instead.)

Today the country needs your help. The folks on Capitol Hill need to hear your voice. Loud and clear…

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