The Unbearable Thought of Getting a Job - Dylan Jovine

Writing About the Stock Market & Life Since 2003


The Unbearable Thought of Getting a Job

Unbearable. That’s how I felt every time a teacher said to me I had to get good grades to get a good job.

A good job? For me the thought of working a 9 – 5 job for someone else was akin to going to prison. Or worse – living a life without meaning.

Maybe it was the way I was programmed, raised or both, but I knew I deep down at a young age that a life like that would kill my spirit.

Sometime in my 20’s I made the decision to live my life as a wildcatter. By my own hook and crook. There would be booms and busts, but at least I’d be standing on the great plains of independence, with the wind in my hair, looking out to a future that I would create.

It was the most liberating decision of my life.

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