The Toughest Decision of My Life - Dylan Jovine

Writing About the Stock Market & Life Since 2003


The Toughest Decision of My Life


From an early age we’re told that work is work. Save the passion for your hobbies.

I remember the first time I heard Warren Buffett say that he loved what he did so much that he “tap-danced to work” every morning.

I was amazed.

I liked what I did fine enough also. But tap dance to work? I couldn’t see it.

To LOVE your work was hard enough to imagine.

But to get rich doing work you loved?

Not gonna happen. Not to me.

And lets face it. I was too practical for that. Business is business.

Let the dreamers worry about childish things like doing what you love. I’ll
keep focused on making money. We’ll see who wins in the end.

But in 2003 I got lucky. I went broke. Flat broke. Busted.

How is that lucky?

Because I made THE DECISION. A decision that forever changed my life.

I decided I was only going to do work I was passionate about.

1 year after committing to that decision I was doing work I was truly passionate about.

Even more surprising?

Within a year I had my first 6 Figure Day doing it.

I literally earned $339,936 in a single day doing something I was truly passionate about.

I finally knew how it felt to want to tap dance to work each day.

I’m writing to you today to tell you that you can make the same decision.

You can change your life also.

I designed my brand new course 6 Figure Day to show you exactly how to do it.

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