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Writing About the Stock Market & Life Since 2003


Guns, Germs, Steel & Investing

Jan 30, 2007

What makes a great a stock recommendation? That’s a question that has puzzled millions of investors ever since the beginning of capital markets. Over time though, the greatest number of the richest investors in history have proven that the answer is a great business purchased at a great price. Ask the people who started Google. … Continue reading “Guns, Germs, Steel & Investing”

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Kill Mortgage Brokers, Part II

Jan 16, 2007

LAST WEEK’S ARTICLE ALMOST STARTED AN E-RIOT. That’s a good thing, of course: in a country where Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are almost considered Royalty, sometimes I have to make sure you still have a pulse….fortunately, many of you do! Check out the e-mailbag: ************* Dylan Jovine writes about the Iraq situation in The … Continue reading “Kill Mortgage Brokers, Part II”

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Kill Mortgage Brokers (Vol 1.)

Jan 09, 2007

SOMETHING HAS BEEN BOTHERING THE LIVING HECK OUT OF ME LATELY. No, it’s not the fact that CNN accidentally put a picture of Osama on the screen when discussing Barack Obama: that was just the kind of pie-in-the-face mistake that liberal media is great at making. Nor is it the fact that the ninnies up … Continue reading “Kill Mortgage Brokers (Vol 1.)”

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What the dollar decline means to you…

Nov 27, 2006

PAUL VOLKER SOUNDED very upset. Apparently, a group of economists, using the same techniques as those used on the set of “Jurassic Park” (as opposed to those used on the set of the movie “Sleeper”), recently thawed the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve from his amber-induced deep sleep. After they finished splashing water on … Continue reading “What the dollar decline means to you…”

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The Hitchhikers Guide to the DOW

Nov 13, 2006

“BRING OUT THE GIMPS!” You know the types of people I’m talking about. The financial “gimps” that CNBC and other financial news stations pull out every time the market hits a new high or trades sharply lower. The ones with the crazy, unsettled eyes who try as hard as they can pull off the “eccentric” … Continue reading “The Hitchhikers Guide to the DOW”

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How to swing at stocks only inside your strike zone…

Nov 06, 2006

Tipster. n. Informal. One who gives or sells tips or information, as to bettors or speculators. In my line of work I meet a lot of tipsters. Not the kind who “sell” them but the kind who love nothing more then to “give” them away. You know the type I’m talking about: the friend or … Continue reading “How to swing at stocks only inside your strike zone…”

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Why Q-4 should have investors very concerned…

Oct 30, 2006

DR. PHIL WOULD PROBABLY REFER TO IT AS HAVING A NEGATIVE PRE-DISPOSITION. Others have suggested it’s the result of several hard-fought (and ultimately scarring) investment experiences from my early professional life. Regardless of on the psychological analysis, one thing is certain: at this point of my life, my habit of first looking at everything that … Continue reading “Why Q-4 should have investors very concerned…”

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Want to learn how to invest?

Oct 23, 2006

A new member of Fallen Angel Stocks, who hails from Canada, recently asked me how he could become a better investor. Although it’s a question I am often asked, I found myself surprised at the answer I gave him. The first part of my answer was standard … To learn how to study a business, … Continue reading “Want to learn how to invest?”

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Don’t let the stock markets new highs fool you…

Oct 16, 2006

DYLAN’S INVESTING DIARY (WEEK OF OCTOBER 9TH TO OCTOBER 13TH): Monday the 9th: On Carly Fiorina’s “Comeback”… How come I want to projectile vomit every time I see Carly Fiorina’s (the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard – SYM: HP) evil stepmother-looking face on television? Did you see her on 60 Minutes last night? First of all, … Continue reading “Don’t let the stock markets new highs fool you…”

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How much life insurance do you need?

Oct 09, 2006

“ON THIS TEAM WE FIGHT FOR THAT INCH… On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch. Because we know when we add up all those inches that’s going to make the f—–g difference between winning and losing. Between livin’ … Continue reading “How much life insurance do you need?”

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