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Writing About the Stock Market & Life Since 2003


Why Stocks Drop When Interest Rates Rise

Apr 04, 2006

Most people know that bond prices and interest rates have an inverse relationship. When interest rates increase, bond prices decrease and vice versa. But these days I’m often asked what happens to stocks when interest rates rise. Most people know that historically, there has been a strong inverse connection between interest rates and stock prices. … Continue reading “Why Stocks Drop When Interest Rates Rise”

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Bond Brokers Bid Farewell to Fat Commissions.

Apr 03, 2006

Question (sent in by wcein7): I own a portfolio of municipal bonds and can never seem to get pricing information on them.  Is there a service I could use to get this information?   Answer: The information that I’m about to give you may be directly responsible for your bond broker not being able to buy … Continue reading “Bond Brokers Bid Farewell to Fat Commissions.”

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The 4 questions you need to ask before buying any stock.

Mar 30, 2006

George Soros, the famed investor is fond of saying that he’s an “insecurity” analyst not a “security” analyst. What he means is that he looks for everything that can go wrong first before looking at the upside. I invest the same way. Yesterday I offered the first two questions I ask before I buy any … Continue reading “The 4 questions you need to ask before buying any stock.”

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Q & A: Strippers & Midgets Get Sirius

Mar 28, 2006

Q: What do you think of Sirius Satellite Radio? A: I’ve always believed that satellite radio was going to be here to stay. In fact, Howard Sterns joining is just another in a long list of content providers validating the basic model of the fledgling industry. Competitor XM Radio paid $650 million to Major League … Continue reading “Q & A: Strippers & Midgets Get Sirius”

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How many analysts does it take to write a good research report? The answer: It’s almost impossible.

Mar 28, 2006

You can almost set your watch to it. Every few years a certain well known blue chip company announces bad news and its stock tanks. In 2000, the company announced earnings that dissapointed Wall Street. Within weeks the stock had tanked as investors ran for the hills. But investors who bought the stock made profits … Continue reading “How many analysts does it take to write a good research report? The answer: It’s almost impossible.”

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How Hershey Can Teach You All You Need to Know About Inflation

Mar 23, 2006

Everybody is already getting on the case of new Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to take it easy with interest rates.

It’s almost as if their filming KILL BEN Volume I.

–By Dylan P. Jovine

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Goldilocks Economy or Witchy Woman Part II – now we hear the bearish side of the argument.

Mar 22, 2006

Two days ago I wrote an article titled, “Don’t be Seduced by a Sexy Stock market.” In the article I wondered if the stock markets recent highs were here to stay or just an illusion, with bad news lurking underneath the surface. To illustrate my point I gave the bull side of the argument. Today … Continue reading “Goldilocks Economy or Witchy Woman Part II – now we hear the bearish side of the argument.”

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Today I want to talk about producer prices.

Mar 21, 2006

Part two of my “Witchy Woman” article comes tomorrow instead of today.

Today I want to talk about producer prices.

–By Dylan P. Jovine

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Don’t Be Seduced By a Sexy Stock Market

Mar 20, 2006

Think that ex from your twenties was manic depressive?

He/she was nothing compared to this market.

–By Dylan P. Jovine

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Can High Levels of Corporate Debt Predict Fraud?

Mar 09, 2006

Can High Levels of
Corporate Debt Predict Fraud?

We take a look.

–By Dylan P. Jovine

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