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Writing About the Stock Market & Life Since 2003


What this years holiday party can teach you about market bubbles.

Nov 12, 2008

GOSH, I LOVE A GOOD PARTY. In my 20s I used to live for them. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night my friends and I would go club hopping in the City just looking to capture that moment. The one moment that defined all great parties for me:The exact moment in time when the right … Continue reading “What this years holiday party can teach you about market bubbles.”

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The Most Undervalued Asset in Corporate America (and only a few people know about it)

Oct 28, 2008

MAKING MONEY IN MARKETS LIKE THESE HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH BRAVERY. History is littered with investors who lost everything because they were “bravely” buying when the facts said they should’ve been selling. Neither does being a “visionary.” It’s incredibly expensive to wait until the markets finally catch up to your brilliance, so unless … Continue reading “The Most Undervalued Asset in Corporate America (and only a few people know about it)”

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The Most Dangerous Place to Get Investing Advice Today

Oct 16, 2008

Regardless of which candidate you vote for in three weeks, our economic reality will not be washed away with the tide of the elections. Grotesquely high budget and trade deficits, obscene debt-levels led by off-the-chart consumer spending, low savings and you fill in the blank have all finally caught the attention of investors. Whether in … Continue reading “The Most Dangerous Place to Get Investing Advice Today”

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It Would Be Interesting if it Wasn’t Happening to Me

Oct 08, 2008

“IT WOULD BE SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING IF IT WASN’T HAPPENING TO ME.” That’s what someone said to me yesterday as we were discussing the market. She’s a friend of mine in her late 50’s who is now worried about losing her job, paying the mortgage (on the house “I paid way to much for”) … Continue reading “It Would Be Interesting if it Wasn’t Happening to Me”

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Make Money Off Your Next Door Neighbor

Sep 24, 2008

“EMBARRASSING” That’s the word our Treasury Secretary used to describe how he felt begging Congress for money to bail out America. Around him were seated our Federal Reserve Chairman and our Securities & Exchange Chairman. And that’s what happened in front of the camera. Behind the scenes God knows how many foreign governments we’ve gone … Continue reading “Make Money Off Your Next Door Neighbor”

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Top 10 Ways to Spot a Run on Your Bank

Jul 17, 2008

A funny thing happened on the way to the bank yesterday. It started when I headed out of my office to complete my monthly ritual of depositing my (getting more meager every month) paycheck at our local bank. It was a very typical day down here in the cultural vacuum of the world (Florida). The … Continue reading “Top 10 Ways to Spot a Run on Your Bank”

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Why a "Windfall" Profits Tax on Big Oil is Just Plain Stupid

Jun 12, 2008

I was going to speak today about our national budget and discuss discretionary versus non-discretionary spending. But I decided to put that article aside for another time and address something that Congress voted on this week: CREATING A WINDFALL PROFITS TAX ON BIG OIL. This is a tricky first subject to write about. Many of … Continue reading “Why a "Windfall" Profits Tax on Big Oil is Just Plain Stupid”

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Grandma & Grandpa Go Buck-Wild

Apr 07, 2008

OPEN: NOVEMBER 2006: A elderly married couple who can pass for caring grandparents are sitting inside a luxurious conference room waiting for a meeting to begin. The man (a Bed Stein look-a-like) is whispering to his wife (a Barbara Bush look-a-like) in hushed but forceful tones. It’s clear they are talking about something important. MAN: … Continue reading “Grandma & Grandpa Go Buck-Wild”

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At Least the Japanese Wore Condoms When they Took Us in the 80’s

Jan 09, 2008

WHEN THE JAPANESE DID IT TO US IN THE 80’S IT WAS DIFFERENT. At the time they were buying up American assets like a drunk lotto winner buying former co-workers drinks at happy hour. Hollywood Powerhouse Columbia Pictures. New York Landmark Rockefeller Center. You name it and it seemed like the Japanese were going to … Continue reading “At Least the Japanese Wore Condoms When they Took Us in the 80’s”

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2008: The year of cash is king and debt is dumb

Dec 20, 2007

I know that the last week of December is the time when all of us begin to think about New Year’s Resolutions. You know the typical ones, like stop smoking, get more exercise, lose weight, find a husband, etc. I want to offer another idea for a resolution. I am asking all Americans to pledge … Continue reading “2008: The year of cash is king and debt is dumb”

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